Thursday, November 4, 2010


   Halloween has never really been a huge event in my life. As a kid, I would love to go trick or treating—what kid didn’t? Today, I see Halloween from a different perspective. I usually don’t know when Halloween is until about a week in advance when someone gives me a random reminder. Halloween isn’t a holiday that I would consider special or at least not special enough to have a family gathering for. One fun part about this holiday, however, is dressing up however you desire. When everyone dresses up differently or tries to look goofy, it makes it a lot of fun because you can begin to see that people don’t always act like themselves. They’re usually a lot more outgoing, carefree, and fun. The worst part about dressing up for Halloween is emptying your wallet for a costume. I usually only wear one outfit Friday or Saturday, that way I won’t have to spend money on two costumes. Living in a house with four other people, trick or treating day got a little annoying when the doorbell rang every ten minutes. It is, however, acceptable because I enjoyed walking around getting candy at one point in my life as well. I don’t think Halloween will ever be that extremely important to me, but I will bring my kids up practicing the tradition to see what they think of it. Who knows, maybe they will get a lot more satisfaction out of the holiday than me.

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